How to apply for the Digital-Nomad Visa?
The digital nomad visa system started on March 31, 2024. We have been receiving consultations from digital nomads and are in the process of confirming the procedures with the Immigration Bureau and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We have organized the information confirmed so far for your reference when applying for a visa yourself. Please note that this article is based on information confirmed as of April 8, 2024. The operational procedures may change in the future, so if you are applying yourself, please be sure to consult with the embassy/consulate and the Immigration Bureau.
Pattern 1: If you have not yet entered Japan
Please apply for the digital nomad visa directly at an overseas diplomatic mission.
The Immigration Bureau’s website provides guidance on the procedure for the COE Issuance Application,
and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website mentions the attachment of the COE.
However, the COE for digital nomads cannot be applied for unless the applicant themselves is in Japan, and it cannot be applied for from overseas.
There is a possibility that the application for a visa without a COE may be refused at an overseas diplomatic mission. However, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ website’s mention of documents to be attached in the absence of a COE suggests that it is possible to apply without a COE.
When our office confirmed with the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau, we were told that even without a COE, you should apply directly for a visa at an overseas diplomatic mission.
Pattern 2: If you have already entered Japan
Foreign nationals who have already entered Japan on a “temporary visitor” visa and wish to change their status of residence to that of a digital nomad should not expect to be able to change their status of residence to that of a digital nomad immediately. In this case, first apply for a “Certificate of Eligibility”(COE) for the digital nomad status of residence, and obtain the COE. Once you have obtained the COE while in Japan, you can then apply for permission to change your status of residence to that of a digital nomad. If approved, your status of residence can be changed to that of a digital nomad without leaving Japan.
However, it may take several months to obtain a COE. Therefore, if you wish to change from a “temporary visitor” to a digital nomad status of residence, apply for a COE as soon as possible after entering the country.
To date, there are considered to be only two patterns for obtaining a digital nomad visa.
Our office has already received consultations and requests regarding the digital nomad visa. We welcome consultations from digital nomads and their families who wish to enter Japan, those who have already entered Japan and wish to change to a digital nomad visa, and from employees of foreign companies who wish to enter Japan for remote work.
Written by Kagami / Translation by Kurihara
弊所でもデジタルノマドの方々から手続きの相談を受けながら、手続きについて入管庁や外務省などに確認をとっています。 これまで確認できた情報を整理しましたので、ご自身でビザの申請をする際にご参考にしてください。
パターン1 【日本にまだ入国していない場合】
パターン2 【日本に既に入国している場合】
ただし、COEは申請してから数ヶ月かかる場合があります。 そのため、「短期滞在」からデジタルノマドの在留資格にすることを希望する場合、入国したらできるだけすぐにCOEの申請を行いましょう。